If you follow me on IG: NaturalBajanFemale or FB: Check out Natural Bajan Female on FB!
then you probably remember this very budgeted purchase made
right before Thanksgiving of last year.
Allegedly just browsing in one of my budgeted gems aka Five
Below when I came across these flex rods and immediately snatched the entire
stash. At $3 a pack for 6 rods, there was no way that I was passing them up
when I just so happened to be eyeing a few at the beauty supply store a few
days prior. Something told me to hold out at the beauty store and at that very
moment I was happy that I did. At $3 a pack vs $5 a pack, I was willing to take
a risk on Luxor Pro: Style Stix 5/8” diameter rods.
**Right eye brow raised** Did one of those Are these
supposed to be marked at $3 looks. Then looked to the left, then the right and
was home free for the register with the only 6 packs known to the store that
I also posted a pic of the first time that I used the rods
with a hashtag something along the lines of “#Keep you posted”. Truth is, I rolled my hair not even
thinking that I had to be to church in less than 2 hours. This hair? Dry in 2
hours? No Ma’am.
Products Used:
Shea Butter Leave In Conditioner
Silk Infusion
QP: Feels Like Silk Design Silk
Fortunately enough, I was able to get a preview of what my
curls would have looked like had I kept up with my schedule better. As
voluptuous and shiny as the curls were, they weren’t completely to my liking.
Although, I would have worked with it, a lesson was gained out of it. Noted for
the next time to not wrap the hair so tightly next time.
Soooo… As for this last time I made a few changes.
And "slept" like this. It wasn't the greatest experience, nor was it the worst.
Products Used:
Cantu Shea Butter Leave-In Conditioner
Elasta QP: Feels Like Silk Design Silk
I typically don’t like my hair when it firsts gets done, the
longer it’s left in, the bigger it gets and in my eyes the better.
This was 4 Days Post using the flex rods and I only used 30
rods meaning that I still have an unopened package. (Not my greatest close up lol)
I preserved the style by occasionally applying grapeseed oil
to my scalp and a combination of Shea Moisture Curl Enhancing Smoothie mixed
with the oil of choice to my hair beginning from the ends and working my way up
to the roots in sections. The night time routine was simple: sleeping on a
satin pillowcase. You can also use the pineapple method if you choose to or
reflex some of the curls if they began to lose it’s state.
Final thoughts: I honestly think that these work just as
good as any other flex rods. I love the size of the curls and the length that
it retained with my hair. You of course can determine the thickness of your
curls depending on how often you decide to finger coil each curl.
Would I recommend Luxor Pro: Style Stix? Yes
Not only did it hold my hair but the rods themselves are
still in great form and do not have the flex rod crows feet that some of the
more expensive ones get after the first use.
Thank you for reading & God bless you!
What are your fav flex rods? Which products do you use when
done, what method and products do you use to help upkeep your curls?
Danita aka Natural Bajan Female
Hey Daniel, I hope you're not pulling my leg about following. If you think that this is a well thought out scheme to get my attention to your blog then... well done. lol I approve and find it to be very appealing to all eyes and will actually begin following yours (for real). Thanks for taking the time to read & kudos to you!